+90 216 514 6868


Distribution Transformers

Our Conservator Type Transformers are produced in both three-phase and single-phase configurations. They offer a power range from 10 kVA to 100,000 kVA and support high voltage levels up to 170 kV. These transformers are oil-immersed with cooling options including ONAN (Oil Natural Air Natural), ONAF (Oil Natural Air Forced), and OFWF (Oil Forced Water Forced). They come equipped with either an off-load or on-load tap changer and are suitable for both external and internal applications.


  • High Quality Standards: Ensures superior reliability and performance.
  • Versatile Configurations: Available in both three-phase and single-phase models.
  • Wide Power Range: Power capacities from 10 kVA to 100,000 kVA.
  • High Voltage Support: Insulation levels up to 170 kV.
  • Cooling Options: ONAN (Oil Natural Air Natural), ONAF (Oil Natural Air Forced), and OFWF (Oil Forced Water Forced).